Geophysical Mapping: Advanced Search
Do you want to know what kind of problem could occur in the various applied geophysical methods? This page provides information about the the matching of specific methods and problems. It is very easy to use:
Search a Problem:
You can search the valid geophysical methods for one or more problems. Just click on either a problem type, or refine your search by directly clicking on a specific problem. If you choose a problem type first, the list of problems only contains those problems that belong to the selected type.
Select a problem type:
Select a problem:
All Problem Types
Buildings and Structures
Civil Engineering
Cultural Heritage
Forsenic Investigations
Hazardous Waste
Natural Hazards
Natural Resources
Regional Mapping
All Problems
Aquifer pollution
Building stability
Cavity detection
Characteristics of hazardous waste
Contaminant plumes
Dam monitoring
Dead body
Depth of Overburden-bedrock interface
Earthquakes / paleoseismology
Endangerment of structures
Fault zones
Foundations of ancient structures
Fracture zone
Gravel, clay, limestone, salt exploration
Groundwater table
Heat mining
Host sediments, hydogeological settings
Ice thickness
Location of Ancient Structures
Location of buried materials
Permafrost and ice detection
Porosity / Permeability
Quality / Thickness of aquifer/aquitard
Quality / Thickness of concrete
Quality and thickness (Natural resources)
Quality of roads/ airfields
Quantity/ Thickness
Regional Mapping
Soil / rock quality
Temporal variations
UXO detection
Wall Construction
Young's / shear modulus, Poisson's ratio
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Technique applicable
Application possible/limited use
Search a Method:
You can search the geophysical problems for one or more methods. Just click on either a method type, or refine your search by directly clicking on a specific method. If you choose a method type first, the list of methods only contains those methods that belong to the selected type.
Select a method type:
Select a method:
All Method Types
Borehole Methods
Electrical Methods
Electromagnetic Methods
Magnetic Methods
Seismic Techniques
Thermic Methods
All Methods
Acoustic logging
Airbore electromagnetic methods
Airborne infrared thermography
Airborne magnetics
Airborne spectrometry
Borehole imaging, Structure logging
DC geoelectrics - Profiling
DC geoelectrics - Sounding
Electrical and induction logging
Fluid logging, Flow meter
Frequency-domain electromagnetics - Profiling
Frequency-domain electromagnetics - Sounding
Geoelectrics - Crosshole tomography
Geoelectrics - Tomography (surface based)
Ground infrared thermography
Ground magnetics
Ground penetrating radar (surface-based)
Ground penetrating radar - Borehole tomography
Ground spectrometry
Induced polarization - Profiling
Induced polarization - Sounding
Induced polarization - Tomography (surface-based)
Land gravity
Magnetotellurics, Controlled source audiomagnetotellurics
Micro gravity
Nuclear logging
Passive seismic monitoring
Refraction seismic tomography (surface-based)
Seismic crosshole tomography
Seismic noise measurements
Seismic surface waves methods
Seismic vibration control
Self potential
Shallow Water Seismics - Lake Seismics
Shallow reflection seismics
Shear-wave reflection seismics
Standard refraction seismics
Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SNMR)
Technical logging
Time-domain electromagnetics - Profiling
Time-domain electromagnetics - Sounding
Tunnel Seismic Prediction (TSP)
Tunnel infrared thermography
VLF / VLF-R, Radiomagnetotellurics
Vertical seismic profiling (VSP)
Very-high resolution reflection seismics
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Technique applicable
Application possible/limited use
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